Oklahoma middle schooler forced to reveal bra at school during search for a vape pen, mother says. Legislation comes after six Suring teens were forced to strip to their underwear as administrator searched for vape cartridges."The school had no justifiable reason to strip search an eighthgrade girl for a vape pen. US Supreme Court declares strip search of 13yearold student unconstitutional. Case: Safford Unified School District v. Redding. The Court ruled that educators violated the constitutional rights of a 13- year-old student when they conducted a strip search for over-the-counter ibupro- fen. Has consciously allowed young people to be sexually exploited on the TikTok platform in exchange for money. The search was allegedly conducted to find a nicotine vape pen. Under current law, strip searching a student is a Class B misdemeanor. Why not stay more than a day?