All females will be strip searched in prison. In the beginning it is humiliating but after you do it everyday for awhile you get used to it.How is strip search procedure in Indian jails like? Does the police women wear gloves? A woman says a sheriff's deputy in Texas stripped her naked in a gas station parking lot and administered a cavity search of her genitals. The U.S. Marshals Service claims that a stripsearch is standard operating procedure and that none of its policies were violated in this case. Today, strip searches in Texas are most publicized in juvenile centers and schools. A strip search at the border is not a routine search. The U.S. Marshals Service claims that a stripsearch is standard operating procedure and that none of its policies were violated in this case. The US Marshals Service confirmed on Tuesday that it had stripsearched Khobragade and placed her in a cell with other female defendants.