Free Consultation - Call 954-448-7288 - Anthony Quackenbush, Esq. If you have been hurt while using a defective product, then you may be entitled to compensation.Contact us now to learn more about your legal options. Need legal help for product liability and defective products? Our Florida attorneys are here for you—call (800) 332-6436 for an appointment today. Call our office at 954-683-6094 or simply fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation today. For consumer products, call the Consumer Product Safety Commission at 1-800-638-2772 or visit their website to fill out an online form. If a defective or dangerous product has injured you, contact a Fort Lauderdale injury attorney to find out your legal options. The attorneys at the Ledezma Law Firm will conduct a thorough investigation to help establish that a defect exists, determine how or when the defect manifested. If you or a family member sustained defective product injuries, Florida only allows you four years from the date of defect discovery to file a claim or lawsuit.