To explore your recovery options and talk through different types of defective product claims, talk to a Florida personal injury lawyer. A defect is anything that makes the product unsafe, and unsafe products put customers in danger of unexpected injuries.Contact our firm to learn more. Other examples include poor quality control standards or lack of testing before the release of a product onto the market. Our Miami, Florida products liability lawyers are experienced in the litigation of product defect cases involving numerous types of defective products. Specific examples include malfunctioning electronics, dangerous toys with choking hazards, or kitchen appliances with design flaws. Call (954) 424-1440 or fill out the short form below. Manufacturing Defects. What Are the 3 Types of Product Liability Lawsuits? Claims under the negligence theory arise from defects in the design, manufacturing, and labeling, as well as fraud, misrepresentation, and breach of warranty.