Harris warrants its fabricated products to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of sale. Contact us to begin your journey and pursue justice.For a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or fill out our contact form here. It is agreed that such replacement or repair is the exclusive remedy available from HARRIS should any of HARRIS' Products prove defective. Under the CLRA, sellers can be liable for "making affirmative misrepresentations as well as for failing to disclose defects in a product. When you have a defective product, it's important to know your rights. Call our product defect lawyer from Houston, TX to help you with compensation. That's when Harris says a consumer needs to take action. "If you get all that paperwork, you need to fill out your claim forms," he says. Product liability cases arise when defective products injure consumers.