If the electronic appliances and gadgets in your house are faulty, you have the right to return them, have them repaired, or exchange them for new ones. Review liability and legal options for this situation.If you or a loved one suffered an injury or wrongful death because of a defective product, contact the product liability lawyers at Chaffin Luhana. Experiencing hair loss from a defective product? You may be entitled to compensation. At the Law Office of Alex Hernandez, I am ready to provide legal help. Hillsborough County product liability lawyer and law firm. Defective products such as car parts, medical devices and children's products can cause fatal accidents, leading to a wrongful death lawsuit. Hillsborough Community College (HCC) uses Supplier Registration as the College's web-based vendor registration and solicitation management system. Only ship products to the "Ship To" address indicated on the HCC Purchase Order.