Call our office at 410-469-9953 or simply fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation today. What Constitutes a Design Defect in Maryland?The cases set forth below help illustrate the basic tenets of each factor and how Maryland's state and federal courts have interpreted the same. This could involve using cheap materials that cause the product to fail or lack of quality control in the manufacturing and testing process. Maryland is like most jurisdictions in allowing recovery under the theory of "strict liability" if the plaintiff bringing suit can prove the necessary elements. Unfortunately, a consumer has no way to know if the manufacturer was putting out sub-par products from the factory floor. (d) Occurrence, unless otherwise indicated, means the accident or other event complained of in the pleadings. What Has to Be Proven in a Products Liability Case? Alteration of the product: The plaintiff altered the product in some way, which introduced safety hazards that were not originally there. (d) Occurrence, unless otherwise indicated, means the accident or other event complained of in the pleadings.