The Phoenix defective product lawyers at our law firm have extensive experience in the field of products liability and personal injury. Our Phoenix product liability lawyerss can help you pursue the financial compensation that you deserve for a defective or dangerous product.If you need dedicated representation in the form of a defective product attorney, we're here for you. Contact the Phoenix, AZ defective product lawyers at Phillips Law Group today. If you have been injured from a defective product, contact a Phoenix product liability lawyer for help filing a claim to seek compensation. Call (602) 530-8400. Call 602-494-4800 or fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation with a respected Phoenix product liability lawyer from our firm today. Generally, a plaintiff needs to file a claim within a specified time, known as the statute of limitations. Call Burg Simpson for a FREE consultation with a Phoenix product liability lawyer to learn how we can help. If you have suffered injury from a defective product, consult our Phoenix product liability attorney to get compensation for your injuries.