Contact Our Santa Clara Defective Product Liability Attorneys for Immediate Help. Did a defective product result in catastrophic injuries or disfigurement?Injured due to a dangerous product? Contacting a consumer lawyer is the best way to figure out if you do have a case against the person who sold you a defective or dangerous product. When there was items missing delivered and she was able to correct the purchase with patience. More and more, though, they are completing the separate 3 page AVID (Agent Visual Inspection Disclosure) form instead. The sale of nursery stock without a valid license is a violation of California Food and Agricultural Code § 6721. Indicate Technologies offers high-accuracy dimensional and surface finish inspections at our Santa Clara, CA lab in the heart of Silicon Valley. Will You Buy My Junk Car in Santa Clara If It Is Having Mechanical Issues? Defective Product Attorneys in Mountain View, CA. Each year, dangerous or defective products cause numerous injuries in the United States.