Contact the Division at (801) 530-6601 during normal business hours. If you have been injured because of a defective product, work with us to get compensation legally and to prevent future injuries of others.Product liability is a type of legal liability placed on manufacturers or sellers when a product has an unexpected defect or is unexpectedly dangerous. Products liability issues are serious and can be deadly if the manufacturer fails to cure the defect or warn consumers. Any entity involved in the chain of distribution for a defective product may be liable for injuries. For example, a transfer of title to the car must be filled out completely and correctly. NPS Store in Utah is a discount warehouse where you can find pallet auctions, online discount stores, and more. Learn more and sign up to shop online today! In Utah the injured just has to prove that the product was defective. And you're also keeping perfectly usable items from needlessly going to waste in a landfill!