Gov to explain your condition and request a deferral of your jury service. If you have already attended a Jury Service this week, either in person or online, the information below does not apply to you.This video explains the service of process in small claims cases and what you need to know about serving your small claims forms. I submitted a request to be excused due to undue hardship based on this rule: "The prospective juror must travel an excessive distance. Civil, Criminal, Family, Juvenile, Probate, Restraining Orders, Small Claims, Traffic. Alameda County Local Court Forms. You may request postponement of your jury service online after submitting your online questionnaire. Go to jury duty once and realize how much a waste of time it is, that's why I just throw the notices in the trash. You may request postponement of your jury service online after submitting your online questionnaire. Above email from landlord attorney I have an unlawful detainer jury trial scheduled for Monday the 26th.