FILING: All documents to be filed in a Family Law Case must be presented for filing at the Hayward Hall of Justice. 24405 Amador Street, Hayward, CA 94544First, the attorney for the side bringing the case will tell the jury what he or she intends to prove. Welcome to the Hayward Hall of Justice. If you have a family law case in Alameda county, you will have your court dates inside this very building. Our criminal defense work is the heart of our practice. Our office handles three main types of cases: Felonies;; Misdemeanors; and; Juvenile Cases. I submitted a request to be excused due to undue hardship based on this rule: "The prospective juror must travel an excessive distance. You will be required to make only one appearance in court for jury selections held that day, or serve for one trial (jury selection may take more than one day). I was summonsed to jury duty for the week of August 1st.