The Municipal Districts of the Circuit Court of Cook County hear cases that seek evictions, also known as forcible entry and detainer. It will be similar to a trial with a judge, however, juries can feel sympathy for a person and can make a ruling that goes against you.At the fourth court date, the case can move to a jury trial. If the tenant doesn't show up, a judgment can be given to the landlord. Tell the judge why the case should be thrown out,; Request a jury trial, or; Request a bench trial where the judge decides the issues. A request for a jury trial must be in writing and filed with the. However, a tenant does have the right to a jury trial upon request - and payment of a jury fee. To file an eviction, you will need to do FOUR THINGS: 1) Fill out an Original Petition (click to see). Information about going to court, including how to fill out and file documents. 1) Fill out an Original Petition (click to see).