If you are facing charges for domestic violence in Florida, you could have a criminal trial coming up in your future. Additionally, the OFC has produced two videos that discuss the injunction process and what to expect at a domestic violence injunction hearing.Domestic Violence is a violent confrontation that explodes in the home between family members; between two people in a relationship who live together. This is also when the court can set bond and stipulate any special conditions for pretrial release. (2)(a) Notwithstanding any other law, the assessment of a filing fee for a petition for protection against domestic violence is prohibited. The Clerk's office will help you take steps to get help if you believe you are a victim of domestic violence. If you have been charged with domestic violence battery in Florida, contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at Musca Law today. Victims of abuse can file injunctions for protection against their alleged abusers at no cost. Domestic Violence documents can be filled out for free. After an arrest for domestic violence in Florida, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at the Sammis Law Firm.