Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. All individuals charged with a violation of the Vehicle and Traffic Law seeking a reduction or dismissal can resolve their traffic violation.Fill out the Jury Questionnaire and e-notifications to qualify as a juror. You need to fill out the right side of the ticket completely (including your current mailing address) and sign it. Arraignment hearings for traffic tickets are held in Courtroom 1A and 1B on the 1st floor of 375 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. New York County Court. If you have a traffic ticket - We encourage you to review the information listed below and then enter your plea via mail. The Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division has original jurisdictional authority over all felony cases and all civil cases. Click the juror portal button to answer summons or qualification questions for jury service. Find answers to the most commonly asked questions.