If you wish to make a jury demand, you should request a jury trial when you answer the petition. You can tell the clerk and pay the jury demand fee.The Landlord-Tenant Clerk's office has subpoena forms. Fill out an "affidavit," which is your sworn statement explaining why you need the Court to stop your eviction or give you whatever other assistance you need. If you are a tenant or landlord and you have an ongoing dispute, including eviction, you can get information and assistance from Housing Court. It will be similar to a trial with a judge, however, juries can feel sympathy for a person and can make a ruling that goes against you. Juries try civil cases every day. But, unlawful detainer (eviction) is a trial for injunctive relief, for which most states do not offer jury trials. Here's my story: Have a tenant living in Brooklyn New York (Kings county) which I serve eviction notice August 2022. If your summons says "trial," also known as a "petit" jury, then you may be able to squirm out of service.