Any access questions or requests for assistance can be conveyed to the central jury staff, court clerk or judge in the courtroom where you are assigned. You must follow the directions in the "Juror Excusal Statement" portion of your summons in order to be excused for either category.JURY TRIAL GUIDELINES FOR DIVISION A. These are guidelines for jury trials in Division A. Adherence will expedite the trial and reduce objections. They explained it was civil suit and was expected to take 6 weeks at trial, and asked if I could sit for it. Please call the toll-free automated jury information system at 1-866-851-8154 for up-to-date information on your request 5 days prior to your reporting date. • Fill out a court form that explains your claim. Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. • Fill out a court form that explains your claim. The court's jurisdiction includes Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Nassau and Suffolk, therefore all counties must be represented in the jury pool. I was even the foreman on a murder trial and still wasn't asked for I.D.!