Columbus Attorney Brian Joslyn navigates respondents through the court process from initial plea to trial. Domestic violence and dating violence protection order forms, along with county-specific legal and advocacy information, may also be found at Ohio Legal Help.Learn about Understanding the Domestic Violence Court Process in Ohio in this blog post and contact our attorneys today for help. Fill out the form to get started with your case evaluation. Name(Required). Email(Required). Phone. County this occurred(Required). If you were arrested for domestic violence, reach out to Sabol Mallory to help you with the domestic violence court process in Ohio. If you have any questions about completing the Petition for a Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (Form. The DVTPO requires the offender to stop abusing and to stay away from the victims named in the Motion for Temporary Protection Order. When a judge decides your case, it is commonly referred to as a "bench trial. " Because a jury does not have to be selected, a bench trial may take less time.