Through a guided interview, you can quickly fill out the forms that are needed to request a protective order from an Arizona court. The officer will call the Sheriff's Office again and obtain the.Emergency Protective Order case number, and fill out the form. Steps in a felony jury trial, including: jury selection; opening statements; questioning witnesses; closing arguments; deliberations and verdict. Go to Protective Order Center on the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Municipal Court. Court staff will help you determine the correct Court action for your situation. To request a postponement, follow the instructions in the Juror Affidavit Questionnaire or Summons or contact the court in which you are scheduled to appear. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. In this post I will be discussing the process leading up to trial and what a defendant needs to know in order to prepare. Domestic violence can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony in Arizona.