If you would like to ask for a jury trial, you may enter a short plain statement in your complaint, that states, "demand for jury trial. For more information, call the court at (619) 844-2800 from a.m.In ALL California courts, including San Diego Superior Court, if a plaintiff wants a jury trial they must ask for it in the complaint. Complete the fillable online complaint form. I've gotten a letter telling me I'm being considered as a juror for US District Court for the Southern District of California. You can also call the Jury Information Line at (800) 998-9035. One of the first questions all 60 of us were asked was if we had a reason we could not serve for a trial that would likely last 3-5 days. Jurors are selected from the Bexar County Juror pool and directed to Municipal Court. Parking Free parking is available in the Municipal Court parking lot. A potential juror is someone who has received a "Summons for Jury Service" in the mail.