APPLY IN PERSON in the Cohalan Court Complex District Court 4th Floor, Room 421 a.m. Commissioner of Jurors, 225 Griffing Ave.Riverhead, NY 11901, Phone: 631-852-2305, TDD: 631-852-2766, More Juror Information, Directions to Court. Please call the toll-free automated jury information system at 1-866-851-8154 for up-to-date information on your request 5 days prior to your reporting date. You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. The right to a speedy trial is codified in the Sixth Amendment of the Federal Constitution. One would think that a prosecutor would not want someone with a felony conviction on a jury in a criminal case. Explains the criminal court process from before your arraignment through the pre-trial, trial, and verdict process. OLS and 2SLS estimates of the impacts of misdemeanor nonprosecution on the likelihood that a defendant receives a DCJIS criminal record in the case. One of the issues that is rarely discussed is that if you are charged with a B Misdemeanor you are not entitled to a Jury Trial.