Check with the Justice Court to see if they have any forms to request a jury trial. If they do not, you may use this Jury Trial Request form.You must follow the instructions on your jury summons or contact the judge to find out what you need to do to be exempted from jury service. In civil trials, agreement of just five sixths of the jurors is sufficient to reach a valid verdict. A jury trial does have a few more steps and involves trying the case to twelve people (six in county court) rather than a single judge. Any person charged with a criminal offense or any party to a civil case has a right to a jury trial. Jurors can now present their jury summons at the Museum of South Texas History (MOST) for a discounted admission fee. The District Clerk accepts calls Monday through Friday from A.M. to P.M. at (432) 498-4290. Who can have a jury trial? Any person charged with a criminal offense or any party to a civil case (cause) has a right to a jury trial.