(c)Withdrawal of Demand. If you are allowed to withdraw the case from the jury docket, it will be up to the court if your jury fee deposit is returned.The court shall designate the days for taking up the jury docket and the trial of jury cases. You can only change your plea to the first case before the jury "retires to deliberation. If you have questions about your jury duty, please contact the phone number or website on your jury summons. A judge shall suspend the imposition of the sentence and place the defendant on community supervision if the jury makes that recommendation in the verdict. A party requesting a civil jury trial shall file a written request with the Court in which the case is filed not later than the 14th day before trial. (a) Consent to Jury Trial Before Bankruptcy Court. McKinney: (972) 548-4100. Do I have to complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire form?