Call our Eviction Defense Screening line at 1-855-657-8387 or Apply Online to find out if you qualify. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).An eviction notice must first be served properly and the tenant must have failed to comply, pay, or vacate within the specified timeframe. Evictions in Washington State generally take around three weeks from start to finish, but this can vary. Typically, eviction cases are filed in Magistrate court, and that court cannot offer you a jury trial. Please speak with a lawyer for advice if you are interested in asking for a Jury Trial. • The Judge will schedule Mediation as the next date in the case. The biggest thing for landlords is to make sure you follow all the rules and that you have proof. Multiple factors impact this, from the case's complexity to how backed up the court system is. However, if a tenant wants to have a jury trial, the tenant must file a verified answer with a jury demand.