Jury Instructions: The parties must file a single, joint proposed jury charge, including all necessary instructions, definitions, and questions. Any person charged with a criminal offense or any party to a civil case has a right to a jury trial.In Bexar County, virtual civil trials may begin on November 2, 2020. This book is written for jurors selected to serve in the trial court of the Federal Government, the United States District Court. Have you ever served on a civil jury? If you received a summons for jury service in our court, you must complete a Juror Information Form and Supplemental Questionnaire. After you check in online and fill out your jury duty questionaire, you'll get a link to the zoom before the date. On this page, you will find a general overview on how to file a small claims case in the justice courts. Fill out case number and your bar number, etc; They give you a printout; Take this printout to (a) Judge or (b) a prosecutor. San Antonio Municipal Court.