We represent clients on various types of DUI cases, from a first offense to a felony charge for a repeat offense. If formal charges are not filed within 21 days, your lawyer may schedule a preliminary hearing before a judge.Familiarize yourself with your rights in a jury trial, emphasizing Florida's specific laws and regulations. Citizens of Broward County are a vital and integral part of the civil and criminal justice system. Without your participation, we cannot operate the courts. Jurors must be 18 years of age or older, citizens of the United States, and residents of the county in which they are summonsed. If you plead not guilty, you will have a trial unless the charges are dismissed or you change your plea before trial. Ken Padowitz and Phil Donahue discuss Jury verdict. Facing a DUI charge in Broward County does not automatically result in a conviction. The defense aims to create doubt in the jurors' minds about the prosecution's case.