In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict. In a civil case, you only have to show a "preponderance of the evidence".You don't have to convince the Judge or jury absolutely. Go to the Cases On Calendar section of this website to select a court trial or jury trial. Most trials last 3-7 days, but some may go longer. If you would like to ask for a jury trial, you may enter a short plain statement in your complaint, that states, "demand for jury trial. Sec. 2. Use Notes for Courts. Instead, please call our office at 657-622-7000. In civil cases, the jury selection is long and drawn out to allow the opposing lawyers to settle the case before the trial starts. At the outset, 18 potential jurors are called and seated in the jury box and front courtroom bench in the order their names are drawn from the drum.