With judicial approval, interpreters are available on a first-come, first-served basis in any type of criminal or civil case for Spanish and Polish only. My mom can't speak English and she is chosen for jury duty.Download and complete Appearance and Jury Request Forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Please call the toll-free automated jury information system at 1-866-851-8154 for up-to-date information on your request 5 days prior to your reporting date. Jury service information for Minnesota District Courts. As with previous editions, this manual focuses on the law, procedures and practices in the Ninth Circuit governing jury trials. If you have served as a juror in a New York State or Federal Court within the past six years, please submit your completed questionnaire or juror summons. After all challenges are utilized, a jury with one to four alternates is impaneled to hear the evidence in the case. The case data available on-line is the electronic docket which contains brief summaries of court documents and court events in a particular case. In Cook County, a circuit court employee may act as a jury commission.