Trial jurors will call the night before their summons date to confirm if they will be needed (216-698-2977). Call a Cleveland OVI defense lawyer at the Law Office of Mark Gardner for a consult regarding a drunk driving violation. 866-361-4522.At the pre-trial, you'll check in with the clerk upon arrival and wait in the designated area. Recent News. Previous. The Cleveland Municipal Court utilizes the Cuyahoga County Jury Commission system for jury management. Juries decide on facts, Judges decide on law. In a DUI case the facts are rarely in dispute. This questionnaire is designed to elicit information with respect to your qualifications to serve as a trial juror in the pending case. Picking a jury (a process called voir dire) – A jury will consist of eight citizens in misdemeanor cases and 12 in felony cases. For example, it is up to the client, not the lawyer, to decide whether to try the case to the judge or to the jury.