7 days for notice to pay rent; 7 days for tenant to respond; 15 days maximum to trial; 1-2 weeks for writ of possession; 1-2 weeks until actual eviction. Typically, eviction cases are filed in Magistrate court, and that court cannot offer you a jury trial.The person(s) filing the eviction must complete a Dispossessory Proceeding form. For information on how to go through an eviction procedure, check out this page! Find helpful details and understand the process of evicting a tenant. The rationale is based on extremely old Georgia law. It will be similar to a trial with a judge, however, juries can feel sympathy for a person and can make a ruling that goes against you. If the landlord or tenant wants a jury trial, the person must request the jury trial within thirty (30) days from the filing of the appeal. However, if a tenant wants to have a jury trial, the tenant must file a verified answer with a jury demand. Can I use self help to evict the tenant from the rental property without the commencement of a dispo (MAG 30).