Fill out the attached Notice of Motion and Motion to Withdraw a Plea of Guilty and sign and date it. 3. (3) Withdrawal of Jury-Trial Waiver.The defendant may withdraw the waiver of a jury trial any time before trial begins. The People's withdrawal of their case from the first grand jury presentation due to witness unavailability constituted the functional equivalent of a dismissal. To request to be excused from jury service fill out the Jury Information Form, located at the bottom of the summons, or on-line using eJuror. Below are the most commonly used forms in the District Court of the District of Minnesota. For additional forms, please visit the forms library. Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure Revised effective January 1, 2010 With amendments effective through July 1, 2024 This is a TIME CERTAIN hearing. This report must be filed within 60 to 90 days (not 2-3 months) from the date the Commitment Order is filed.