Thirteenth Judicial Circuit - Forms List. Please select the category below to expand and view general forms for those division.If appropriate, please fill out A, B, or C and send to: Jury Services, PO Box 3388, Tampa, FL 33601-3388, fax to (813) 272-5568 or email. These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. Many of you have electronic devices such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Even though you have not yet been selected as a juror,. You must fill out the questionnaire and review your additional reporting dates for your court. EResponse is an electronic version of the juror questionnaire. Once rules of civil procedure have been invoked in a small claims case, the court cannot avail itself of the small claims rules to handle matters in the case. If you wish to make a jury demand, you should request a jury trial when you answer the petition.