You will need to enter your HC Number found on your summons or your Texas Driver's License number and your last name to begin the process. If you have questions about your jury duty, please contact the phone number or website on your jury summons.Check with the Justice Court to see if they have any forms to request a jury trial. If they do not, you may use this Jury Trial Request form. A misdemeanor trial in Texas may be conducted before a judge (bench trial) or a jury, depending on the severity of the charge. The cause shall proceed in the following order: 1. Harris County Criminal Court at Law, 1201 Franklin • Houston, Texas 77002, Career Opportunity: Criminal Law Hearing Officer. (6) Complete the contact information in the area designated as "Clerk Contact Information" on the top of page two. Are you facing a Texas misdemeanor court case? Discover what to expect in the legal process with Emmons Law Firm, PLLC's expert guidance.