Here are some tips and memories to get you through, or out of your civic duty, which as your summons guffaws at you, "is as important as paying taxes." This online tool is free and does not require a personal appearance.A SJT is a binding one day jury trial with relaxed rules of evidence. Medical evidence can be submitted without live medical testimony. Yes, you must fill out the juror information form and detach it from the bottom of the summons. You must mail in the completed form to us within 5 days. Put an "X" in the box indicating your response Be sure to sign your name and provide your current mailing address, email address and phone number. Sign Up for Court News and Updates Sign Me Up. Español. Bring your completed Juror Qualification Questionnaire with you if you did not submit online, mail or fax it to Superior Court Jury Services. Responsible for All Circuit Court Records, Civil and Criminal Case Records, Child Support Records and Jury Selections.