This class will help you learn how to fill out the form. Watch. To evict a tenant a landlord must file a complaint under oath in District Court using a "failure to pay rent" form.In a residential tenancy, a request for a jury trial may be filed no later than the first appearance of the parties in District. Court. In this first video you will learn about the notices you will receive and what happens at a trial in rent court. A tenant in an eviction proceeding may be required to pay rent into escrow while the eviction proceeding is pending. Typically, eviction cases are filed in Magistrate court, and that court cannot offer you a jury trial. In a residential tenancy, a request for a jury trial may be filed no later than the first appearance of the parties in District Court. The Form tells you if you are being called as a Trial or Grand Juror. You must complete and return the Form within (10) days of receipt. The Form tells you if you are being called as a Trial or Grand Juror.