Trial jurors are potentially scheduled for jury service Monday through Friday. A written request for a jury trial should be filed fifteen (15) days before the scheduled trial date, but can be made at any time before the trial starts.Grand jurors are summoned to serve a 6-month term. Been convicted of a crime—You must supply the case number, charge and time served over six months on the completed Juror Qualification form. During your stay in the Jury Lounge, you will have access to free wireless Internet. Magazines and books are also provided for jurors' reading pleasure. A jury trial prayer or demand is a request for a case to be moved from General District to Circuit Court where the defendant can appear before a jury. The courthouse is open to jurors at am daily. You should plan to be at the courthouse during normal business hours which are am – pm. Read the front and back of the SUMMONS AND JUROR QUALIFICATION FORM ("the Form") in its entirety.