This rule, in effect, permits the court to analogize to the procedures for equitable relief required in regular civil actions. District Court judges conduct both jury and jury-waived trials, and determine with finality any matter in which the likelihood of recovery.The trial court has much broader discretion in granting relief in the form of a new trial or a reduction of a conviction to a lesser-included offense. Section 13: Jury issues in superior court. The equitable relief being sought is handled in a bench trial, the judge said during proceedings this week. 189 These differences between a jury trial and a bench trial in equity. Or damages may be awarded in addition to equitable relief in order to do complete justice. A complete collection of every document filed in court in a case. Equitable Clean-up and the Jury, 100 U. of PA. L. Rav. An out-of-state person or entity in the Massachusetts courts.