Can I have a jury trial on my ticket? Jury trials are not available in District Court, where misdemeanor and infraction traffic tickets are initially heard.To determine if your appearance is required, visit eResponse.mecknc. Gov or call (877) 649-7133 after PM on the weeknight before your scheduled report date. You need to fill out the right side of the ticket completely (including your current mailing address) and sign it. If you wish to fight your Mecklenburg county traffic ticket, you may be required to take the matter to trial. Yes, you must fill out the juror information form and detach it from the bottom of the summons. You must mail in the completed form to us within 5 days. Attorney Bill Powers discusses some of the procedures involving the courts and gives helpful information on Charlotte Traffic Ticket Trial Courts. A skilled traffic ticket lawyer will understand the North Carolina laws that apply to your case.