What Will Happen If Your Case Goes To Trial? A detailed look at the statutory time limits for filing a car accident lawsuit in Michigan's courts, the state's comparative negligence rule, and more.Learn how your personal injury case could go to trial and how to understand the difference between going to court vs. A car accident lawsuit in Michigan will take 1 to 2 years to resolve though there are key dates that may result in an earlier settlement. Representing you at a jury trial, if needed. You have a limited time after a car accident to file a lawsuit. Call Davis Injury Lawyers, PLLC, for help filing and managing your claim. Committee on Model Civil Jury Instructions. 9 important things for victims to know if they are injured in a car accident in Michigan to help ensure they have a successful lawsuit. In the event of severe snow or icy conditions, please call the Jury Information Line (866-215-3884) the Monday of your jury service after a.m.