In Nassau County, jurors who are not involved in a voir dire or trial are excused after one or two days. For felony charges, there must be twelve jurors and up to 6 alternates chosen .Please call the toll-free automated jury information system at 1-866-851-8154 for up-to-date information on your request 5 days prior to your reporting date. They explained it was civil suit and was expected to take 6 weeks at trial, and asked if I could sit for it. You are not yet going into a trial on this first day, so the rules are very lenient at this stage. Complete your requirements and stay out of trouble until this phase is over and you will likely be able to carry on without ever having served a jail sentence. You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. No information is available for this page. To schedule a case evaluation regarding your case, call 516-630-3405 or fill out the form on this website. An accused person who is indicted - formally charged with a crime - becomes a defendant in a criminal case.