There are certain forms you must fill out and file with the court to open a case. In Nevada, a jury trial is an option when facing more than 6 months in jail or are charged with misdemeanor battery domestic violence.COMPLETE and SUBMIT your Qualification Questionnaire within ten (10) DAYS through eJuror. There's no Federal constitutional right to a jury trial in family law cases. Public cases are available online at the District Court Portal or the Clark County Courts Records Inquiry. You can only challenge a judge before they have made their first ruling. That would include their first temporary orders for custody, support, or whatever. In a county whose population is 700,000 or more, a person who lives 65 miles or more from the justice court is exempt from serving as a trial juror. To find the correct location for the services you need, contact Family Court at (702) 455-2590. Jurors are required to phone in to 775-393-4500 for recorded instructions starting on the Thursday night prior to the jury trial.