Note that defendants facing only a misdemeanor DUI charge do not have the right to a jury trial. If you are facing misdemeanor DUI charges only, you do not have the right to a jury trial.This article aims to provide residents, tourists, and visitors in Nevada with an overview of the stages of a DUI case, detailing what to expect at each stage, If you are facing a misdemeanor DUI charge you don't have the option of a jury trial. Just curious why dui cases rarely go to jury trials? It seems like an attorney should have the chance at convincing a jury that a person is not guilty. This article provides an overview of jury trials in Nevada, including the process involved and how they differ from bench trials. DUI cases go to trial when the defendant doesn't plead guilty. What Happens When You Are Arrested for DUI? Why Would an Individual Be Convicted of Drunk Driving in Nevada Law Based on Evidence Represented at Trial?