' No Indictment: Unlike felonies, misdemeanor charges are not submitted to a grand jury. ,The. The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled there was no constitutional right to a jury trial in a Worker's Compensation case. 5.Unemployment Compensation Comm. V. Whether an allegation of a felony or a misdemeanor charge in North Carolina, jury trials have been mandated under the North Carolina Constitution. Possible grand jury indictment. Entry of Plea – Plea negotiations and guilty pleas can happen any time before a verdict. Trials in District Court are always held before a judge, while trials in Superior Court are usually held before a jury, though this right can be waived. If you did not plead guilty to the felony criminal charge, typically as part of a plea agreement, a jury trial was mandatory in your case. Can I complete this summons form online? Can I ask for a postponement or excuse online?