What happens after a grand jury votes an indictment? For misdemeanor charges, there must only be 6 jurors and up to 4 alternates chosen.In a jury trial, after both parties have presented a summation, the court must provide the jury with an explanation of the law. You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. Use the eJuror link to access the application and respond to your summons. You will need your Juror ID number and date of birth to log in. You have to plead not guilty and request a jury trial. Yes. You'd only be barred from being on a jury that heard the relative's case or a case related to it. Criminal forms are available online and at the court. Criminal and Self-Help Center staff can answer general questions if you need help completing forms.