The trial is your chance to tell your side of the story to the judge or a jury. The first thing that has to happen is that you must make an appearance regardless of whether you plan to admit guilt or not.A trial for a traffic ticket is tried just like a trial in any other court. If you've been given a traffic ticket, we recommend using the Traffic Resolution Information Platform (TRIP). To complete the Juror Questionnaire, click on this link. If we determine you are qualified for jury service, a Summons for Jury Service will be emailed. If you refuse to enter a plea, the court will enter a plea of not guilty for you, and your case will be set for a jury trial unless you waive that right. You must tell the judge whether you want a judge or jury trial. It is your responsibility to show up to your arraignment at the specified date and time. Looking for ways to handle a traffic ticket in Utah?