Complete the deferral form and submit the form and a copy of your non-commercial driver's license to the court. You need to fill out the right side of the ticket completely (including your current mailing address) and sign it.Plea "no contest" and, if eligible, complete a Driver Safety Course or Deferred Disposition so that if successfully completed, your case will be dismissed. You must appear before the court in person. In most of the 50 states, you do not have the right to a jury trial in a traffic ticket case, which means a judge alone decides whether or not you are guilty. A trial for a traffic ticket is tried just like a trial in any other court. If you refuse to enter a plea, the court will enter a plea of not guilty for you, and your case will be set for a jury trial unless you waive that right. In most states, you don't have the right to a jury trial for minor traffic offenses like speeding, running a red light, and distracted driving. As above, here's where an experienced trial lawyer can make a big difference. 4. Remote Jury Trial 101 - Part 2: Timeline.