Are you facing a DWI case in New York and wondering, "can you get a jury trial for your dui case in New York? Vast majority make a plea deal.Juries decide on facts, Judges decide on law. Incidentally in our jurisdiction, these cases are called DWI, driving while intoxicated rather than what is known in most states as a DUI. A standard drunk driving trial can be complicated and confusing for a first-time defendant. At a DUI jury trial, the prosecution might present evidence of the driver's BAC and witness testimony related to evidence of intoxication. Here are some things you can expect in your New York DUI trial: Jury Selection: A jury will be selected to hear your case. If you reach the trial phase in your DUI-DWI case, you certainly want the best possible jury for your case. Learn about the court processes for a DUI case and how a criminal defense attorney can protect your rights. The prosecution will go first, laying out the basic facts of your DUI arrest and the evidence they believe proves your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.