After the warrant of eviction is signed, you can hire a Marshal, Sheriff or Constable to take steps to evict the tenant. If you wish to make a jury demand, you should request a jury trial when you answer the petition.You can tell the clerk and pay the jury demand fee. A typical bench trial may take minutes to an hour, if the only witnesses are the landlord and the tenant, and there are no real defenses or counterclaims. It will be similar to a trial with a judge, however, juries can feel sympathy for a person and can make a ruling that goes against you. Check the box "h" "With Jury Trial Request" at the top of the first page and. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms. We can usually answer questions about court deadlines. Jury Selection is Monday, January 13th, 2025. Jurors should report to the main Wayne County Courthouse courtroom at 9 am in Honesdale, Pennsylvania.