Mail Fill out and send the paper ADA Complaint Form. Autistic people may face discrimination in the workplace because of their behavior and communication difficulties.I am looking to see if anyone else who has been through a similar situation filed a complaint for discrimination against a child with a disability. If your child is punished for having a disability, or for not being able to keep up when they are unable to do so, they are being discriminated against. Advice on disability discrimination in colleges, universities and other providers of further and higher education in England, Wales and Scotland. Retalia tion against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of College District policy and is prohibited. Best practice considerations, including policy proposals addressing employment discrimination of individuals with ASD, are included in the final section. If you were fired or turned down for employment because you have ASD, you may be able to file an employment discrimination complaint. Rights and Challenges for Autistic People with Communication Disabilities in the Legal System. Customer: Is autism protected under discrimination?