The HHSC Civil Rights Office must receive the complaint of discrimination within 180 days of the date the alleged discriminatory action took place. There are strict deadlines for filing a charge of discrimination, please review the information in the timeliness tab or call 1-800-669-4000.This form may be used to file a complaint with the County of Dallas based on violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Employment discrimination generally exists where an employer treats an applicant or employee less favorably merely because of a person's protected class. Complaints may be presented in person or mailed to the City of Dallas Fair Housing Office, 1500 ManIla, Room 1 BN,. Dallas, Texas, 75201. If you believe that you or someone else experienced unlawful discrimination, you can report a civil rights violation. 1. Report using our online form. A discrimination complaint must be filed within 180 Days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act or the most recent occurrence. The Equal Justice Center (EJC) provides direct legal representation to individuals to enforce their rights in the workplace.